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The Covenant Pulpit
Recommended Sermon Resources:
(Scroll down the page for Sermons from the Covenant Pulpit)
Pastor Alistair Begg's sermon series: Seven Questions God Asks (25 mins per sermon)
Dr. R.C. Sproul's sermon: (26 mins) Grace to the Humble
Dr. Michael Morales' sermon: Soli Deo Gloria (67 mins)
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson's sermon: God Meant it for Good (45 mins)
Dr. R.C. Sproul's last sermon: A Great Salvation (28 mins)
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson's sermon: Have We Trials and Temptations Pt1 (25 mins)
Dr. Sinclair Ferguson's sermon: Have We Trials and Temptations Pt2 (33 mins)
Dr. R.C. Sproul's Six-Part Teaching Series on Suffering
Dr. Ian Hamilton: Baptism: The Priority of Grace over Faith (60 mins)
Dr. Guy Prentiss Waters: The Lord's Supper: A Feast for God's Hungry People (52 mins)
Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr.: The Beauty of the Church (50 mins)
Dr. C. N. Willborn: The Church's Ministerial and Declarative Powers (49 mins)
Covenant practices serial, expository, exegetical preaching of God's Word. Each Lord's Day Morning and Evening the Holy Scriptures are read and preached with an emphasis on the original context, with a purposeful application made to our lives today!
Why all this interest in the reading and preaching of God's Word? Because we believe this is what the Scripture teaches and that it is a means of grace, which the Lord provides for our instruction, correction, strengthening, and encouragement.
Our congregation gathers for public worship on Sunday mornings at 10:55 a.m. and again on Sunday evenings at 5:55 p.m.

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