Our Beliefs
We believe in the One Triune God--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that there is salvation in no other name but that of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, true salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone and all for the glory of God alone.
Because we believe in Jesus, we also believe to be true:
The Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Bible, the Word of God written, infallible & inerrant, which is our only rule of faith & life.
The Teachings of the Apostles' Creed, because they are from the Bible, and we need to be clear about basic catholic (universal) church beliefs.
The Teachings of the Nicene Creed, because they are from the Bible, and we need to be clear about basic Trinitarian beliefs.
The Teachings of the Athanasian Creed because they are from the Bible, and we need to be clear about the basic Christological beliefs.
The Teachings of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism, because they are from the Bible, and we need to be clear about the doctrine we hold dear and teach.
We also seek to be faithful to this Christian heritage by living as a church together in accordance with these biblical teachings. Thus, we practice joyful, reverential, biblically-regulated Reformed worship that seeks to read the Word, preach the Word, sing the Word, pray the Word, and see the Word through the two sacraments Christ has appointed. We do not consider the formal to be the nonspiritual, but rather the reverent to be the Christ-pleasing.
Additionally, we seek to practice loving, biblical church discipline (which is the application of God's word to unrepentant sin in the church) when necessary, and that in accordance with the spiritual and moral principles of God's Word. Because Christ our God calls us to love one another, we are not so superficial as to merely construe that in emotional terms. Instead, we follow His teaching in Matthew 18 and 1 Corinthians 5 (in accord with the finest of Reformed practice and pastoral care), trusting the LORD to bring repentance to offending sinners, honor to Christ's holy name, and purity within His beautiful bride, the church.