Child Protection
We take the responsibility of caring for your children while they are at Covenant seriously. Thus, all of our Nursery volunteers and youth Sunday school teachers have completed Covenant's Child Protection training in accordance with our comprehensive Child Protection Policy, designed to create a safe environment.
We have a wonderful nursery, where your babies and toddlers will be happy! The Covenant Nursery is available during Sunday school, morning worship service, evening worship service, and on Wednesday nights. When standing in the narthex of Covenant facing the worship hall the Nursery is down the hall to the right.
Cry/Nursing Room
We have a Cry Room available at the back of the worship hall. The room has a window that allows you to continue to see the worship hall during the service as well as sound to enable you to hear. Within the Cry Room, there is a private area available for nursing moms. The room has a small refrigerator that is stocked with bottled water for your convenience. The Cry Room is to the immediate right of the french doors that lead into the worship hall.